Friday, 30 March 2012

Evaluation - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the project I used many media technologies such as Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Fireworks and the internet and word, the internet was an essential tool as I used it in order to research information necessary to creating a website, as well as being able to create and update my blog and look for other ideas and websites. The main tool I used for the website design was Dreamweaver 8.0, which is website creation software, through this programme I was able to construct the most part of my website.
Photoshop CS3 was also fundamental to the websites design for creating images and buttons seen on the site. For my ancillary tasks I also used Photoshop and fireworks 8.0 to create each task. In the construction of my website, I found it important to use a combination of these tools together in order to get the results I wanted. I was allowed to be given a laptop that had these programmes installed onto it as I do not have these programmes on my home computer.
Adobe software was the key component in the construction of my website, particularly for construction of my Secondary tasks such as the Ident and Advertisement. My Ident was created through Adobe after effects, through using Adobe after effects and the help of the website Videocopilot, I was able to create a working animation of my channels symbol.
The creation of the Ident was quite difficult, but taught me a lot about using the software from setting up different layer types, to creating time stamps in order to animate properly, animating layers to create water like skins, lens flaring etc.
Photoshop was useful for creating a newspaper advertisement, as there is only small space on newspapers for an advertisement, I decided to go with a similar looking design that would emphasise more on colour than size or complexity, as newspapers are of course mostly black and white with the exception of other advertisements and article images.

The internet was obviously a vital tool for my research, from it I was able to find many different examples of websites over the internet to help me gather ideas for my own. Through research I learnt that there are different genres of websites from minimalistic, Colourful, business, informative and so on. I was also able to use the internet to find out ways in order to construct my website on Dreamweaver.
Blogger itself has been a very useful tool in its use of categorizing, archiving and helping me to plan my site and to calendar my progression throughout the project. I have been able to input images and movies of my products. Also using the blog has allowed me to see what other students have been doing, even if I am doing a separate project type to the majority, if not all, of the other media students in my class, I can still see what kind of input they are adding into their work and take it out of context and into my own.

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